Winners Are Planners by Bo Sanchez

Failures don’t plan to fail; they just fail to plan.
Think about it. Have you ever met anyone who planned to fail? Someone who wakes up in the morning and says, “Gosh, I really want to fail in life. I want to end up totally miserable. I want to end up divorced. I want to be hated by my family. I want to be broke forever and live in abject poverty. I want to suffer from a dreaded skin disease. Let me plan how to do this…”
Nope, I haven’t met anyone who planned to fail.
But I’ve met many who failed to plan.
Do you want to win in life? Then you have to plan to win.
Here’s the truth: Winners are planners.
       A long time ago, a friend who was very religious told me, “I don’t plan. I just trust God. I just accept whatever happens as God’s will.” 
I told her, “I think God wants us to plan.”
“How come?” she asked me.
 “If God didn’t want us to plan, then He shouldn’t have given us a phenomenal brain that can imagine the future. The Bible also says, Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.(Proverbs 21:5)”
       Do you want to prosper in every area of your life? 
Then you have to plan to prosper…

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