Successful Business Story - Success TV - Vivian & Luis Olero - World Financial Group (WFG)

This is a successful story of CEO Vivian and Louie Olero. They are very successful and we are very proud they are both Filipino and they are our mentor.

More Powers.. God bless..

Kaiser Premium Health Builder

What if I could tell you about a product that provides complete solution to your 3 major financial needs?

Kaiser Premium Health Builder

Kaiser Provides total solution to your Healthcare, Investment and Insurance Needs. A Three in One Product!


3 Major Financial needs (to complete your financial picture):

  • 1. INVESTMENT - to generate continuing income for you when you retire (letting Money Work For You).
  • 2. INCOME PROTECTION / LIFE INSURANCE - to protect your family if you die too soon ---life insurance protection can help you replace your income, help finance your children's education, pay estate tax, pay debts, etc. instantly (Life insurance is instant money.)
  • 3. HEALTHCARE - to provide you health care when you retire or when you stop working (someone to take care of you when you get old). How comfortable is your health care situation after age 60, depends on a decision you make today.


This is a sample plan K-100 meaning 100,000.oo term life insurance coverage plus healthcare benefits at the same time your money will earn interest.


For more details please contact me:

Robert C. Nino SUN: 0933-368-0068 SMART: 0912-897-8206

Winners Are Planners by Bo Sanchez

Failures don’t plan to fail; they just fail to plan.
Think about it. Have you ever met anyone who planned to fail? Someone who wakes up in the morning and says, “Gosh, I really want to fail in life. I want to end up totally miserable. I want to end up divorced. I want to be hated by my family. I want to be broke forever and live in abject poverty. I want to suffer from a dreaded skin disease. Let me plan how to do this…”
Nope, I haven’t met anyone who planned to fail.
But I’ve met many who failed to plan.
Do you want to win in life? Then you have to plan to win.
Here’s the truth: Winners are planners.
       A long time ago, a friend who was very religious told me, “I don’t plan. I just trust God. I just accept whatever happens as God’s will.” 
I told her, “I think God wants us to plan.”
“How come?” she asked me.
 “If God didn’t want us to plan, then He shouldn’t have given us a phenomenal brain that can imagine the future. The Bible also says, Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.(Proverbs 21:5)”
       Do you want to prosper in every area of your life? 
Then you have to plan to prosper…

Financial Education for OFWs urged by manila bulletin

small j BIG J

     A little small j and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter, "Jae Jae, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river,"

     The small j said, "No dad. You hold my hand." "What's the difference?" asked the puzzled father.

     "There' a big difference," replied the small j." If I hold your hand and something happens to me, you will never let my hand go."

     In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather than expecting them to hold yours...

     The beauty of life does not depend on how happy you are but on how happy others can be because of you!!!

     Life and Time is the world's best teacher. Life teaches us to make good use of time and time teaches us to value life.

Understand How Money Works

You must take care of your responsibilities while building your wealth. For now we work hard, earn extra income. We make money as we can. Some of us aside from working in a company for 8 hours we also had part time small business just to earn extra. It is really good habit that we increase our cash flow and we have multiple source of income. But always remember this “It’s not how much you earn that counts. It’s what you keep.”  Most people work for money but don’t know how to make money work for them. Have a financial Goal and Plan for your future, because people don’t plan to fail. They just fail to plan.

3 Things to Consider to understand how money works

1.       The Wealth Formula
 In building our wealth we need to have a clear goal in the future and of course first we need money plus the time. We should respect the time because many people get scam because they always want an instant. Next is +/- rate of return. If you gain + but if you lose minus. Then - the inflation rate and taxes. If anything left that is your wealth.

2.       The X-curve Concept

The x-curve concept is reality in life we have two lines to follow the red lines is our responsibility line and the black line is our money line or wealth. It shows that from younger years to older years. So now that we are young and no savings we have the high responsibility. The challenge is as we grow older we should increase our money line or have a discipline of savings so that our responsibility will go down. Why? Because once we hit our goal of Big savings and we can be LOI or living on interest we can retire early. And that is money working for us. Because the retirement is not depending on our age but it depends on our money.

3.       The 4 Corner Stone’s of a strong financial future

We should also understand these four corner stone’s if we want to build a solid financial future. First in savings we should consider the GROWTH because aside from inflation rate we should know the interest rate that we earn from our money.2nd is SAFETY, of course we should consider these one because we work hard for our money and make sure it is safe. But there is safe but almost no growth so it’s useless. 3rd is HEALTHCARE, why healthcare? Simply because even if your savings had growth and safety and don’t have healthcare when you got sick you will withdraw your money to pay the bills in the hospital and back to zero again. 4th is the PROTECTION, it is important because while building your wealth you need protection so that if something happened to you whom a bread winner of the family.

Dreaming to be Independent Business Owners?

                Every Dream starts with a plan
              I so this quote when we arrive at ninoy aquino international airport 3 (NAIA 3). At this time we are bound to Taipei last January 26, 2012. I come to realize that yes it’s true that whatever our dream it is it should be starts with a plan. To succeed on your dreams you should have a plan of what to do in order of achieving it. Specially have a clear goal of what you really want and understand the WHY?
              Each of us have different reason why were doing this things. For as long as you have deep reason why you’re doing this you will come out with a clear goal for you to succeed. If you have clear goal you remained excited and motivated of what you do. If you understand the WHY? HOW is very easy. Be passionate of what you are doing. As independent business owner you’re success depends on you. In business you will learn a lot of thing and made you stronger. According to Xuan Nguyen our founder last convention in  Taipei “Sometimes it is good to lose for you to learn” but use this learning for you to win.
               Like in dreaming to own a small business. And to become an independent business owner. Most of us dream to become independent business owner but some of us don’t know where to start. And also what kind of business do we start with. I think 1st try to discover if what is your passion? 2nd is try to think who is your prospects on this small business. And 3rd who is your competitors on this business. I saw many people struggling a small business but only few will succeed. Because human nature most of us are quitters if we feel bad we quite. In business it doesn’t work. 

                Life is a choice. Your future depends on the choice you made today. No one can be blamed but yourself. Your success is in your hands.

                “Find something you believe in and put your life to fight for it” – Xuan

                Have a great day…