Understand How Money Works

You must take care of your responsibilities while building your wealth. For now we work hard, earn extra income. We make money as we can. Some of us aside from working in a company for 8 hours we also had part time small business just to earn extra. It is really good habit that we increase our cash flow and we have multiple source of income. But always remember this “It’s not how much you earn that counts. It’s what you keep.”  Most people work for money but don’t know how to make money work for them. Have a financial Goal and Plan for your future, because people don’t plan to fail. They just fail to plan.

3 Things to Consider to understand how money works
           Wealth Formula

In building our wealth we need to have a clear goal in the future and of course first we need money plus the time. We should respect the time because many people get scam because they always want an instant. Next is +/- rate of return. If you gain + but if you lose minus. Then - the inflation rate and taxes. If anything left that is your wealth.

2.       The X-curve Concept

The x-curve concept is reality in life we have two lines to follow the red lines is our responsibility line and the black line is our money line or wealth. It shows that from younger years to older years. So now that we are young and no savings we have the high responsibility. The challenge is as we grow older we should increase our money line or have a discipline of savings so that our responsibility will go down. Why? Because once we hit our goal of Big savings and we can be LOI or living on interest we can retire early. And that is money working for us. Because the retirement is not depending on our age but it depends on our money.

3.       The 4 Corner Stone’s of a strong financial future:

We should also understand these four corner stone’s if we want to build a solid financial future. First in savings we should consider the GROWTH because aside from inflation rate we should know the interest rate that we earn from our money.2nd is SAFETY, of course we should consider these one because we work hard for our money and make sure it is safe. But there is safe but almost no growth so it’s useless. 3rd is HEALTHCARE, why healthcare? Simply because even if your savings had growth and safety and don’t have healthcare when you got sick you will withdraw your money to pay the bills in the hospital and back to zero again. 4th is the PROTECTION, it is important because while building your wealth you need protection so that if something happened to you whom a bread winner of the family protection will provide the needs of your family.

Choosing the Right Healthcare

Choosing the Right Healthcare

Taken from: The Secret to Saving and Building your Future Book chapter 2 page 33. 

     In the Philippines, a lot of sick people die not because there is no medicine or treatment available but because they don't have money to pay for these costs.

     A study commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that most health expenses are shouldered by private households - as much as 48% of total health expenditures. These households often had to use out-of-pocket payments for their health expenses. 

Short-Term Healthcare

     This is also known as the traditional HMO. Generally, it has no life insurance coverage. There may be a yearly increase of premium upon renewal. However, renewal is not guaranteed, especially when there are high claims. HMOs cover only up to age 60. There is no return of premiums for non-utilization.
For quotation and inquiries click here: https://goo.gl/forms/wyeRkdU5FpLHTyH92

Senior Care
     This type of healthcare works similarly to the short-term coverage except that it covers ages beyond 60. It's an individual type of HMO and it's the most expensive program. Renewal is also not guaranteed.

For quotation and inquiries for Senior care click here: https://goo.gl/forms/RZYa6t8iWMyAzhU92

Long-Term Healthcare

     This is an HMO with a Health Savings Account. It has a fixed premium program, usually 7 years, which matures in 20 years. It comes with a 4-way insurance coverage together with the long-term healthcare plan. Renewal is guaranteed and all unused health fund accumulates with interest. It may cover beyond age 60 with long-term care growth.

Sample Benefits of Having Long-Term Healthcare

* Long-Term Care Benefits  
          A guaranteed benefit which you can use after 20 years, whatever sickness you have or you can also use it at age 70 onwards

* Yearly Health Benefits
           A 10% yearly accumulated based on the long-term care benefit starting at the end of the 7th year up to the 20th year.

* Long-Term Care Bonus
          If no claim was made during the accumulation period, 85% of premiums paid will be given back at the end of the 20th year, making it COST FREE.

* Lifetime Network Access
           Lifetime access to over 1,000 doctors over 500 hospitals as long as you have funds available in your health benefits

* Cost-Free Health Benefits
           With Return of Premiums for Non-Utilization

* Accumulation of unused yearly health benefits and bonus.
          All unused yearly health benefits  and yearly health bonus accumulate with interest.

* Term Life Insurance Coverage
           If the policy owner dies during the paying and accumulation period, the beneficiary will receive and amount equal to the sum of Long-Term care benefit and Long-Term Care Bonus.

* Accidental Death & Dismemberment
          If the policy owner dies due to an accident or suffers from dismemberment of both hands, both feet, or loss of sight in both eyes (or any combination thereof) and is below the age of 70 during the paying and acculation period he or she will receive an additional of 100% of the Long-Ter Care Benefit plus long-ter care bonus.

* Waiver of Installent Due to Death/Credit Life
          If the policy owner dies during the accumulation period the balance of premiums is waived rendering the plan fully paid.

* Waiver of Installment and Premiums Due to Total and Permanent Disability.
          If the policy owner becomes totally and permanently disabled for a period of at least six months (not exceeding the maximum age of 70 years old during the accumulation period), all the succeeding payments will be waived.

For long term healthcare more explanation please click here: https://bit.ly/2LhTGzU

Small Changes BIG Money


What if you can make small changes in your spending habits and start saving P17 peso a day or 500 peso per month? 

Can you cut down on the following to save 17 peso a day? like Sodas, Cigarettes, lattes, cable TV, Games, Bottled Water, Sweet, New Gadget, Shopping, Driving a Big Car, Eating out, Partying...

Discipline and Consistency are the keys.


Assumes 20% withholding tax. The rates of return chosen are for illustrative purpose only, and do not reflect the actual investment in any product. Nor should it be viewed as an indication of performance for any particular investment. They do not reflect the performance risks, expenses or changes associated with any actual investment. Tax and / or legal advice not offered by International Marketing Group or any of its affiliated companies. Please consult with your personal tax professional or legal advisor for further guidance on tax or legal matters.  

Are you winning or losing in the money game? 

Click here to learn more...

Take Action: Secure Your Future Now!

Take Action: Secure Your Future Now!

     You will always have an excuse not to save or invest. No matter what your excuse is, one thing is for sure. You're going to get old next year.

     No matter what your excuse is, your child will grow up and enter college and you would need money for his or her education.

     No matter what your excuse is, you will eventually retire and stop making active income.

     You have to be prepared for these kinds of situations. Be with a group who inspires you. When the members of your group save, they will also inspire you to save.

     IMG's mission is to convert people from being spenders to savers and to teach them how to save the right way.

     Go back to the 2 sets of important questions you need to ask yourself:

          1. What if you die to soon? Who will take care of your family?

          2. What if you live too long? Who will take care of you?

Remember the solutions.

          1. If you die to soon, Life Insurance will take care of your family.

          2. If you live too long, Investment and Long-term care will take care of you.

     In other words, be financially educated. Make sure you have knowledge and understanding of basic and important financial concepts. Make sure to act on your financial needs and make the right choices. You must have Healthcare, Protection/Life insurance, Savings and Investments.

If you are ready to learn more about savings click here...

If you are ready to learn more about IMG click here...

This Book Will Upgrade Your Financial Life Bro. Bo Sanchez revelations

This Book Will Upgrade Your Financial Life

     One day, I was on the plane seated in economy when the stewardess came up to me and said, "Sir, can I request you to move up to business class?"

     "Oh gee, if you insist..." pretending I was exasperated, but laughing out loud right after. She chuckled as I picked up my stuff and followed her to the front section. 

     As I got comfortable in my seat, the large man beside me introduced himself and said, "Brother Bo, I read your book, Simplify and Created Abundance. It was very good. My name is Joen and I'm also a financial educator."

     "Wow, thanks," I said.

     Joen said, "Can I share some more insights with you?" "Sure," I said.

     He pulled out a piece of paper and started doodling very simple yet powerful financial concepts. And what he shared with me that day blew my mind. I realized he was just being polite when he asked, "Can I share some more insights with you?" He probably wanted to say, "You know nothing yet, kid. You're just scratching the surface..."

     That day, I got upgraded in my financial wisdom. That happened in 2005, when I was very new in my financial journey. Since then, I've been blessed by my friendship with Joen de las Peñas, Noel Arandilla, and Bart Borja, founders of the International Marketing Group. What do I love most about these guys? Their hearts burn with missionary zeal. They're multimillionaires many times over, CEO's of global businesses with a sales-force numbering in the the thousands. Yet many times, you still find them talking one-on-one with the market vendors, tricycle drivers, janitors, and clerks helping them to take the first steps out of debt and into financial freedom. Joen, Noel, and Bart just love people.

    Friend, this book is your ticket to upgrading your financial life. Read it, devour it, and share it with people who need a financial revolution in their life. 

                                                                                       May your dreams come true,
                                                                                                            Bo Sanchez

The Secret to saving and Building Your Future
Become your own financial educator.

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The Secret to Saving and Building Your Future

the secret to saving and building your future

The Secret to SAVING & BUILDING Your Future
Become Your Own Financial Educator


      Does money control you? Or do you control money? Every day people go to work to make a living, but no matter how hard we work and how much we earn, money always seems to control us.

        So many people are in debt. In rich and in poor countries, debt has become a way of life for many people throughout the world. We don't have much, and we don't know much. Nobody teaches us how to manage our money in school.

          Financial issues are not often discussed, and financial products not always explained. Even though the financial industry is one of the largest industries in the world, and even though we are flooded with financial news and websites, financial literacy is as confusing as ever.

          Most people have trouble balancing their budget or reading a financial statement. We use credit cards and don't always understand all the hidden charges. We want to have good health care and save for our retirement, but many of us do not have a plan.

          We need to change, but we need understanding first. This book is helpful for people who want to move from financial insecurity to financial security. It is the first step toward a better financial future and possibly becoming financially independent. 

          By becoming your own money manager, you'll discover that it's doable to understand, plan, and build a financial foundation for your family.

          You can do it. You can control your future. 

                                                                                            - Xuan Nguyen
                                                                                  World System Builder

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