Finance and Wealth Management

LEgal help desk episode 106: Wealth managemment
Published on Dec 15, 2014In this episode, Attorney Karen Jimeno and Attorney Rod Nepomuceno will discuss your legal rights on wealth management with Dr. Jaime Lorenzo, executive vice chairman of International Marketing Group (IMG) and Fitz Villafuerte, registered financial planner.

Gain expert tips and advice on how to manage your finances by investing in the right stocks. Learn how to keep your debts in check and know which wealth management companies and managers are right for you.



From nobody to somebody. Being an ordinary fast food service crew and now CEO. Featurein kirina sanchez RATED-K. Watch this vedio.

Their story could be your story in the future. For more IMG Successful stories you may visit this site: 
Social Proof

Step 2 DEBT Management


A typical credit card purchase can cost up to 112% more than if cash were used. Higher cost of living pushed families to turn to credits simply to make ends meet.

“It is a rule of our financial and economic life that interest is to be paid on borrowing money… Once in debt, interest is your companion every minute of the day and night; You cannot shun it or slip away from it; you cannot dismiss it; it yields neither to entreaties, demands, or orders; and whenever you get it in its way or cross its course of fail to meet its demands, it crushes you. “ - J. Ruben Clark


Nothing can ruin your financial dreams faster than excessive, revolving, high-interest credit card debt. The first step is to accept that won’t be easy, but with a consistent, focused strategy, you can find your way out of debt. Set your goal today to eliminate or consolidate your debt.

Control your debt, or else debt will control you.


Step 1 Increase Cash Flow


The first step in developing your personal financial strategy is to look at your cash flow.
 Does your current income exceed your expenses?
 If not, you need to right the ship, or you’ll soon find the dreams off course.

Is your Money COMING OR GOING?

Monthly Cash Flow: your INCOME J
-First income (net take home)
-Second Income (net take home)
-Dividends, Interest and Capital Gains
-Annuities, Pensions and Social Security

Minus Monthly Expenses
-Fixed costs
-Property Taxes
-Associations / Homeowner’
-Cable / Satellite
-Car Payment
-Insurance Premiums
>car, life, health
Loan’s Credit Card: Master Card, Visa and others

If your monthly expenses meet or exceed your monthly income, you could be seriously jeopardizing your financial well-being. You need to identify ways to earn additional income and manage expenses.

Manage Expenses and Increase Your Income
-Strive to spend less than you earn.
-Create a budget.
>weigh your monthly expenses as wants vs. needs.
-Take on a second career or part-time opportunity.

IMG Building a New Industry in the Financial Industry


Watch this video.

“I once heard that only 3 percent of people are committed in designing the life of their dreams. That sounds about right. Most people spend more time planning grocery lists than thinking about their future.” J



1.Increase Your Cash Flow
§ Make more money when you can, while you can.
§ Have multiple sources of income.

2.Cut Down Your Expenses
Ø      It’s not how much you earn that counts. It’s what you keep.

3.Reduce Your Debt and Liability
Ø      Interest on debt may reduce your hope for long-term asset accumulation.

4.Understand How Money Works
Ø      Most people work for money but don’t know how to make money work for them.

5.Have a Financial Goal and Plan for the Future
Ø      People don’t plan to fail. They just fail to plan.

6.Embrace Change and Expect to Succeed
Ø      Be certain at the uncertain time.

Control your Future.

Not yet a member?
Be part of our MISSION.
To help every family achieve Financial FREEDOM!

NOTE: Sponsor Name: ROBERTO C. NINO 

             Sponsor Code: 5079IF

For more details you can contact me 09333680068 / 09128978206 email:

What is IMG?

Watch video for the top Benefits

IMG mean International Marketing Group fully established brokerage company that has been operating in the Philippines for the past 17 years under its mother company based in U.S. which is the World Financial Group. IMG is a no. 1 BROKERAGE company that provides products to clients under its TOP Caliber affiliates companies in the Financial Industry here in the Philippines.

Our main objective is to provide proper Financial Education through a System (A SYSTEM is a set of instructions and guidelines for individual to follow to be able to move toward their goal successfully). We provide Information, Lectures, Trainings, to individual or company who requires our services. Even extend assistance to those members who need help in growing up their businesses.

Our VISION is to lead the financial revolution. We want to build a new industry in the financial industry. To provide an opportunity for great rewards, satisfaction and success. Our MISSION is to help every family achieve financial freedom. No family left behind! Not only to help people, but to change people’s lives. We believe most people don’t plan to fail, they just fail to plan. The reason they fail to plan is lack of knowledge. If a person is equipped with the correct information, they can plan properly and make the right decisions for their families.

We spend time educating and sharing valuable information. Most organizations in our industry will not give out that easily, they demand certain qualifications, full-time commitment, industry experience, and quotas.

We are different. We believe that everybody deserves a chance, that anybody can be a winner, and that no one has the right to prejudge a person whether they have the right stuff or not.

Another part of our mission is to help people build their business and give people a chance to become somebody. We’re one of the very few organizations that’s willing to invest a lot of time, effort, and resources to help people from all walks of life, without any specific background traits, educational qualifications, or business experience, without time commitments or quotas, and work with them over a long period of time until they become successful.  We give people hope for their future. Through our business, many people become more confident in themselves. Make a positive impact on others, and make their family proud of them.

In IMG We Believe everyone has a Chance to Succeed!!! 
Watch Video :)

The Integrity of our System:

1.      We Don’t Make Money Recruiting People – when people join they pay nominal fee for their membership agreement. That money goes directly to the company to do the processing of license as required by the government, and other materials (Business Kits) that will be provided to you. As for us, we don’t receive any amount from a new recruit but instead we invest time, energy and money to work with the new recruit until they become successful. When they start to make money that’s the time make money through overrides.

2.      We Build Proper Financial Foundation – We provide trainings and seminars on the Complete Financial Plan. This is a continuous Financial Education only to members. It has the complete information that you need. It provides information on How to Save the Right Way and the tools needed to build proper financial foundation.

3.      You Don’t Have to Recruit to Make Money – we are not the type of organization that requires you to recruit a lot of people in order to make money. We are not like those organizations that emphasize recruits – lots of recruits – to make money. We don’t even require you to buy products and load your garage with boxes of products that you may not need, so that the people above you can make money.  The question is “Can you make money even if you don’t have recruits? Our answer is YES. All you have to do is simple, get the proper license, make prospect and ask help or simply refer it to people who are member of IMG or even directly to IMG Marketing Directors, they will do the job and you will make money.

4.      You Have NO Quotas – We impose NO quotas, production requirements, nor recruits. You don’t have to show up to the meetings. You can come and leave as you please. You don’t have any deadlines. A large majority of us only work part-time. Many work on very flexible schedules and have little or even no previous experience in business or financial industry.

5.      You Decide How Big You Build Your Business – It’s your business. You’re an entrepreneur. You’re an independent contractor. You make decisions and have total responsibility for your own business. You can build as big as you want. Nobody can hold you back as long as you follow the system and guidelines. You will earn more money as you please. You can tailor your business in accordance with your lifestyle, your family, your personal situation. We believe that the strength of a good business is to give maximum freedom to the entrepreneur. That is our cutting edge.

The compensation is so unique by design, so powerful through years of refinement; it provides great results that few organizations can deliver.


This applies to member who is new and to those who are pre-occupied with their present job or business, the team will provide assistance to all their prospects/appointments. The concern member shall refer a prospect with complete client information and help them set appointment. The rest of the job will be made by the concern person where the member refers the client. The member will receive his/her commission according to the position and the person who does the business will also be entitled to his/her commission according to his/her position commission schedule.

No worries at all, you can do your regular routine with your job or business while earning extra through referrals.

For a minimal membership and licensing fee you can start your own business, start referring clients, and start earning extra income that might be more than what you have now.


From nobody to somebody. Being an ordinary fast food service crew and now CEO. Featurein kirina sanchez RATED-K. Watch this vedio.

Their story could be your story in the future. For more IMG Successful stories you may visit this site:

Click here --->  JOIN NOW!!!

For more details you can contact me 09266789548  email:

IMG Amazing Trips and Learning

IMG amazing trips. It is for FREE Learning with pleasure. If you are interested to join us this trips please feel FREE to contact me 09333680068 / 09128978206 email:



When? Every TTH - 6:30pm & Sat. -2pm

"Learn the most kep secrets about money and be financially blessed."

 1  Have a good understanding on how money works and how it affects our careers.

 2  Learn to change your wrong beliefs on money and change your future. 

 3  Be financially free and make money work for you.

 4  Become a savy investor and help change our world by teaching people how to save and invest.

 5  Explore new changes and expect to succeed in an uncertain world.


FOR FREE:              RESERVED NOW!!!            

Where? IMG Office, 2nd floor JY Square mall building, Lahug Cebu City.

Contact Person: ROBERT C. NINO
Email: 09333680068 / 09128978206

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